Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Maybe it's just moi, but I think this look is just plain fucked up. Seriously, who buys clothing that looks like a factory defect? This look has always, always boggled the mind. From the first shirt I saw at Sears, i've been in awe. In awe of how this look actually sells! Huh. Maybe someone else can tell me.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No vegetarians please

I like meat, but not enough to pack it up into letters like Robert Bolesta. Even though I could never do it, I still think it's pretty bad ass. Who doesn't love seeing their name in meat? Maybe he could do a vegetarian version though. That would be pretty amazing as well.

Check out the rest of Robert Bloesta's fantastic work here: http://robertbolesta.com/

And maybe turn your name into a meat creation.

Friday, February 6, 2009


I want Spring! I want warm weather and I don't want to have to cover up and layer up with clothes. I want to wear skirts and shorts and saaaandals. Especially sandals. I want bright happy colors and to wear skirts without tights for god's sake. I really don't want anymore snow. So here lies a tribute to spring fash-ie-on. These are things I think are super and will possibly buy from American Eagle, Forever 21, and Old Navy.